May 16, 2010
The morning dawned Sunday and clear. I checked my watch. Becky was in the kitchen mixing up a blueberry breakfast cake. I poured coffee. It was only 6:30. Too early. Drake had said to call and say "let's go!" I waited another hour, two cups later and a couple of warm coffee cakes the sky was still clear. I called. I awoke him. Drake would meet us at 1:00. The day only went up from there. Little did I dream that I'd be flying on the most beautiful possible day in Haines since we arrived. The atmosphere was calm and pristine. A blue so deep that it receded into blue violet It was the day that Paul and I walked on a glacier. For us it was the equivalent of a moon walk in broad daylight. Really I can hardly write about this as it was such a joyful and emotional experience. I rush of love for the earth. My face was wet with uninvited yet welcome tears. The photos are my feeble attempts to capture these moments...but in our hearts and minds and souls, Paul and I will remember them forever. I was living my dream. I dreamed a year ago that an eagle swooshed through me and in a moment of extreme clarity, I climbed on his back and we flew over the landscape of my life and I saw it from a different viewpoint. A week later, Carol called and we begin to plan the Haines Exchange. I have envisioned this moment of flight, of soaring over this landscape since that moment. It was everything and more .....what is important comes into clear focus as our great Mother surges up with power and wonder. My attention is totally arrested. We gently land on an expanse of glacier. I joyful fall over as I sink knee deep and make a snow angel before Paul and Drake lift me upright. Enjoy the photos my friends....and FlyDrake! if you come this way in this lifetime.
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