Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Crabbing is Great!

Tuesday May 4, 2010

Yesterday Lucy taught me her crab-picking methods. Compared to Beaufort Blue Crabs the Dungenese Crabs of the Lynn Canal are hugh..sometimes measuring 10" across. Having the right tool for the right job is crucial to obtaining as much chunky meat as possible. Lucy recommended Joyce Chen all purpose scissors. They are razor sharp and have padded handles. Slicing throught the leg segments top and bottom allow the meat to be lifted out instead of picking it out in bits and pieces. We cleaned a dozen crabs and had enough for dinner for ourselves and the HAL residents. We all savored this succulent delicacy, appreciating every mouthful even more because of the 3 hours of effort required to extract it from the shells. Enough is left for Lucy to create her special recipe for crab cakes for tonights meal.

As a result of my expressed interest in crabbing and all things "water related", Lucy generously invited me to join her and her fisherman buddy, Carl. We went out this glorious spring morning to check and empty the traps. A new snow had freshly traced the mountain peaks, but the temperature in this little cove was a comfortable 50. I snapped many "in process" photos. Now to figure out how to post them as a new blogger. Readers be patient as I hunt and peck my way through this.

Lunch is ready. Carol is preparing Italian Moose patties, rice and caldo verde soup.
This afternoon is devoted to planning with Jolanda, the librarian, for after school arts experiences on Thursdays. The new library here is a beauty. It was recognized several years ago as the "best small town library in American". Indeed it an inviting and functional space with offerings that suit a community who rely on multi media availability for the long cold winters. I look forward to spending time there. They have a whole wall of books on Alaska and interesting offerings on the Tlingit arts and culture.

Signing off for lunch. melba

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